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Ultimate Guide to AWS Compute for Beginners

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

Graphic with post title: Ultimate Guide to AWS Compute For Beginners

If you're like me, spending 8 hours a day in front of a computer everyday, then Amazon Web Services (AWS) is likely no stranger to you. They're a colossal force in the cloud computing industry. From nimble startups like Uncle Bob's 10 person company to behemoth industry leaders, AWS is the preferred choice for many.

Why is this the case?

AWS's dominance isn't just about brand power. With a vast array of over 200 global services, they cater to every tech need imaginable - be it computing, storage, databases, or analytics. Among these, compute services stand out as the backbone of any digital operation. They power applications, manage data processes, and scale resources on demand, making them indispensable for businesses aiming to thrive in the modern age.

Sounds impressive, right?

If you're just embarking on your AWS journey, fear not! This guide will offer a comprehensive overview of AWS, spotlighting its myriad advantages and illustrating how it can propel your organisation to new heights.

Table of Contents

Overview of AWS Compute Services



Think of EC2 as your virtual computer in the cloud where you can run applications. You can choose its size, power, and settings based on what your app needs.

Imagine running your code without needing a whole computer or server. With Lambda, you just provide the code, and AWS handles the rest, running it whenever it's needed. As server-less computing grows in popularity, Lambda stands out for its ability to run code without managing servers, making it a favourite for many developers.

Containers are like lightweight, portable app packages. EKS helps you manage and organise these containers using a popular tool called Kubernetes.

Another way to manage app containers. ECS is AWS's own tool, and it's especially good if you're using Docker, a popular container format.

​Normally, to run containers, you'd need to set up and manage servers. Fargate lets you skip all that and just focus on your containers.

If you've built an app and just want to get it online without fuss, Elastic Beanstalk handles all the technical details for you.

​If your app gets popular and more users come in, Auto Scaling automatically adds more power to handle the traffic. If the traffic drops, it scales down.

Think of ECR as a library or storage for your Docker containers. It's a place to keep and share your container images.

If you have your own data center but want to use some AWS tools, Outposts brings AWS services to your location.

If you're already using VMware (a tool to run many virtual computers on one machine) and want to combine it with AWS infrastructure, this service is for you.

If you're new to the cloud and want a simple, all-in-one solution to get a website or small app online, Lightsail is a great starting point.

A marketplace where you can find, share, and deploy apps that don't need servers (server-less).

If you have tasks that you want to run in big batches, like data processing, AWS Batch organises and handles them efficiently for you.

Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

At its core, EC2 provides scalable virtual servers (known as "instances") on demand. These instances run on virtual machines, and you have the flexibility to choose the instance type, which determines the CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity.

EC2 also allows you to select the operating system, be it Linux, Windows, or another OS, and you can configure security and networking settings using security groups and VPCs (Virtual Private Clouds).

With features like Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing, EC2 can handle changes in traffic and demand, ensuring optimal performance and reliability for your applications.

EC2 Console Walkthrough

With Amazon EC2, businesses can swiftly initiate virtual servers. They can choose from a variety of instance configurations tailored for specific needs. Additionally, they can optimise costs by paying only for the actual resources consumed.

This offering is invaluable for organisations aiming for elasticity in their computing infrastructure, particularly when navigating expansive web deployments and agile software creation.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a server-less computing service that allows developers to run code in response to specific events without the need to manage an entire server infrastructure.

In simpler terms, you provide the function or the piece of code you want to run, and Lambda executes it whenever that function is called, handling all the backend processes like scaling, patching and administration.

It integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, making it possible to set up data processing triggers, real-time file and data stream processing, and even mobile backends.

AWS Lambda example workflow. Shows a Lambda function that makes use of S3 to host front end code and when a user clicks a call is made to the Lambda function which when fetches data from AWS DynamoDB
Example Application (Credits: AWS)

Lambda Console Walkthrough

Leveraging AWS Lambda, businesses can streamline their operations by deploying code without the overhead of server management. This means faster time to market, reduced complexity, and significant cost savings, as you only pay for the actual compute time your code runs.

Lambda is especially beneficial for enterprises looking to build responsive, efficient, and scalable applications without the intricacies of traditional server setups.

Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating containerised applications. Containers are lightweight, standalone packages that contain everything needed to run a piece of software, ensuring consistency across different environments.

With EKS, AWS takes care of the heavy lifting of setting up and maintaining the Kubernetes control plane, ensuring high availability, scalability, and security. This means developers can focus on deploying their containerised applications without getting bogged down by the complexities of managing a Kubernetes cluster.

Example diagram of Amazon EKS clusters behind AWS Fargate and Amazon EC2 services. From which user can run the Kubernetes app and monitor it in the EKS dashboard
EKS Example (Credits: AWS)

EKS Console Walkthrough + Create a Cluster

By harnessing the power of Amazon EKS, businesses can simplify their container management processes. EKS offers a unified and consistent platform to deploy, manage, and scale applications across cloud and on-premises environments.

This consistency ensures that applications run smoothly, regardless of where they're deployed.

For companies aiming to achieve operational efficiency, resilience, and rapid scalability, EKS provides a robust foundation for containerised application architectures.

Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is AWS's native container management service that makes it easy to run, deploy, and scale containerised applications. Containers are like lightweight, self-sufficient packages that contain everything an application needs to run, ensuring it behaves the same way regardless of where it's deployed.

ECS allows you to organise these containers into tasks and services, abstracting the underlying infrastructure management. With ECS, there's no need to install or operate your own container orchestration software, or manage the cluster of virtual machines that run your containers, as AWS handles these complexities.

Illustration showing example use of ECS with large amount of other AWS services
ECS Example (Credits: AWS)

ECS Console Walkthrough + Create a Cluster

Utilising Amazon ECS, businesses can streamline their application deployment and scaling processes. ECS provides a reliable and scalable platform, enabling companies to launch and stop container based applications with simple API calls. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to deploy microservices or manage batch jobs efficiently. With ECS, organisations can focus on building and refining their applications, while AWS takes care of the orchestration and infrastructure management.

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a serverless compute engine for containers, designed to work seamlessly with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). In the world of containerised applications, managing the infrastructure can be a complex task.

Fargate simplifies this by allowing developers to run containers without having to manage the underlying servers or clusters. Essentially, you define the application's requirements, and Fargate takes care of the rest, ensuring the right amount of compute resources are allocated, and scaling them as needed.

Illustration depicting example systems without and with AWS Fargate
Fargate Example (Credits: AWS)

By adopting AWS Fargate, businesses can achieve greater operational efficiency and agility. Fargate eliminates the need for infrastructure provisioning and management, allowing companies to simply define the resources that their application needs (CPU, memory, etc.) and then upload Docker containers to the Fargate service.

This results in faster time-to-market, reduced overhead, and a more streamlined workflow. For organisations aiming to deploy containerised applications without the intricacies of infrastructure management, Fargate offers a simplified, cost-effective solution.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a fully managed service that simplifies the process of deploying and scaling web applications and services. Think of it as a magic box: you provide your application code, and Elastic Beanstalk handles all the details of setting up the infrastructure, from server provisioning and load balancing to automatic scaling and monitoring.

It supports multiple programming languages and platforms, such as Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, and more. With Elastic Beanstalk, developers don't need to be experts in infrastructure management; they can focus on writing code while AWS takes care of the operational heavy lifting.

Illustration of example use case for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk Example (Credits: AWS)

Elastic Beanstalk Console Walkthrough + Create Application

Leveraging AWS Elastic Beanstalk, businesses can accelerate their application deployment and reduce the complexities associated with infrastructure setup and management. Elastic Beanstalk is especially beneficial for startups and companies with agile development processes, as it allows for quick iterations and updates.

By automating the deployment process, it ensures that applications are always running efficiently, securely, and at the scale that businesses require. For organisations looking for a straightforward way to get their web applications up and running on AWS, Elastic Beanstalk provides an optimal blend of simplicity and flexibility.

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling is a feature within AWS that automatically adjusts the number of virtual servers, or EC2 instances, based on your application's needs. Imagine a store that sees a sudden surge of customers during a sale and needs more staff to handle the demand, then scales back when the rush is over.

Similarly, EC2 Auto Scaling adds or removes EC2 instances to handle spikes or drops in traffic, ensuring that your application has the right amount of resources at all times. It not only helps in maintaining application availability but also optimises costs by ensuring you're only using the resources you need.

Illustration depicting EC2 Auto Scaling maintaining application availability.
EC2 Auto Scaling Example (Credits: AWS)

By implementing Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, businesses can ensure consistent application performance even during unexpected traffic surges. This adaptability is crucial for websites and applications that experience varying levels of user activity, such as e-commerce sites during sales or streaming platforms during major events.

For organisations aiming to deliver a seamless user experience while maintaining cost-efficiency, EC2 Auto Scaling is an indispensable tool.

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Amazon Elastic Container Registry, commonly known as ECR, is AWS's fully managed container image storage solution. An image is a lightweight, stand-alone package that contains everything needed to run a piece of software.

ECR allows developers to store, manage, and deploy these Docker container images in a secure environment. It integrates seamlessly with Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate, making it easier to launch containerised applications.

With ECR, there's no need to worry about setting up and maintaining your own image repository; AWS handles everything from storage scaling to security.

Illustration showing example use case of Elastic Container Registry
ECR Example (Credits: AWS)

ECR Walkthrough + Create Repository

Utilising Amazon ECR, businesses can streamline their container deployment workflows. ECR ensures that container images are stored securely, with features like vulnerability scanning and access controls.

This is particularly beneficial for organisations that frequently update and deploy containerised applications, as ECR provides a centralised, reliable, and secure storage solution.

For teams looking to manage and distribute their container images efficiently, ECR offers a robust and integrated solution within the AWS ecosystem.

AWS Outposts

Imagine having a piece of AWS's infrastructure, with all its services and tools, right in your own data center or facility. That's what Outposts does. It's a fully managed service that provides a consistent hybrid experience, bridging the gap between your local resources and the AWS cloud.

Whether you have data residency requirements, low-latency needs, or simply want to integrate your on-premises systems with the cloud, Outposts ensures you get the best of both worlds.

Diagram showcasing process to run Outposts on-premises
Outposts Getting Started Process

By integrating AWS Outposts into their infrastructure, businesses can achieve a truly seamless hybrid cloud experience. This means applications and workloads can move fluidly between on-premises environments and the AWS cloud without compatibility issues.

Outposts is especially beneficial for industries with strict data regulations or those that require real-time data processing close to the source. For organisations aiming to modernise their infrastructure while retaining certain on-premises capabilities, AWS Outposts offers a balanced and integrated solution.

VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS is a collaborative offering from VMware and AWS that brings VMware's enterprise-class Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) software to the AWS Cloud.

In simpler terms, if you're already using VMware's tools in your own data center, this service lets you extend that environment into AWS.

This means you can leverage AWS's global infrastructure while continuing to use familiar VMware tools and management capabilities. It's designed to provide a consistent operational experience, making it easier to migrate, run, and protect your applications in a hybrid cloud setup.

VMware Cloud on AWS example setup illustration
VMware Cloud on AWS Example Setup (Credits: AWS)

VMware Cloud Sign Up Form Walkthrough

By adopting VMware Cloud on AWS, businesses can seamlessly integrate their on-premises VMware environments with AWS's powerful cloud capabilities.

This hybrid solution is perfect for organisations looking to expand their infrastructure, enhance disaster recovery, or simply tap into the vast array of AWS services without overhauling their existing setup.

For enterprises invested in VMware and seeking the flexibility of the cloud, VMware Cloud on AWS provides a streamlined path to digital transformation.

Amazon Lightsail

Lightsail is a simplified cloud platform designed for those who want to launch and manage applications without getting deep into the technical weeds. Think of it as a straightforward starting point for those new to the cloud.

With Lightsail, you can easily set up servers, databases, and storage, all with a few clicks. It comes with a set of preconfigured plans, ensuring you get everything you need without facing a steep learning curve.

Whether you're setting up a personal website, a small web application, or even a business project, Lightsail offers a streamlined, cost-effective solution without the complexities of traditional cloud setups.

Diagram showing a Lightsail WordPress implementation
Lightsail example WordPress implementation

By leveraging Amazon Lightsail, businesses and individuals can swiftly bring their projects to life on the cloud. Lightsail's all inclusive pricing and user friendly interface make it an ideal choice for startups, developers, and hobbyists looking for a hassle-free cloud experience.

For those aiming to establish a digital presence or test out new ideas without heavy investment or technical overhead, Lightsail provides the perfect blend of simplicity and capability.

AWS Serverless Application Repository

The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a curated hub where developers can discover, share, and deploy serverless applications. "Serverless" means that you don't have to worry about the servers where your application runs; AWS manages that for you.

This repository is filled with ready-to-use applications and components, making it easier to assemble and roll out new solutions without starting from scratch. Each application comes with a detailed description, licensing information, and source code links, ensuring transparency and ease of use.

Whether you're looking to enhance your existing systems or quickly deploy a new feature, the Serverless Application Repository offers a wealth of resources at your fingertips.

Illustration showing the process of starting a serverless application repository. User first searches then configures the environment then deploys and manages.
Serverless Application Repository Example Flow

Serverless Application Repository Walkthrough + Creation

By utilising the AWS Serverless Application Repository, businesses can accelerate their development cycles and reduce time-to-market. The collection of pre-built components and applications allows organisations to seamlessly integrate new functionalities, without the need for extensive development.

The service is especially beneficial for teams aiming to adopt a serverless architecture or expand their serverless portfolio, the AWS Serverless Application Repository provides a centralised, efficient, and collaborative platform for serverless solutions.

AWS Batch

This service is AWS's solution for efficiently running batch computing workloads. In the computing world, "batch processing" refers to executing a series of jobs without manual intervention. With AWS Batch, you simply define the computing requirements and the jobs you want to run, and the service takes care of the rest.

It automatically provisions the right amount of compute resources, optimally distributes the jobs, and scales based on the workload, ensuring that you get the most out of your resources. Whether you're processing large datasets, running simulations, or rendering videos, AWS Batch streamlines the process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.

Diagram that illustrates the flow of a batch process. The example consists of Data in Amazon S3 being pulled and then computed at a specific schedule. The results are then stored.
Batch Example Implementation

By integrating AWS Batch into their workflows, businesses can optimise their batch computing operations. AWS Batch eliminates the need for manual resource management and job scheduling, allowing teams to focus on their core tasks and analyses.

This is particularly beneficial for industries that handle large scale data processing, scientific simulations, or any domain where jobs are executed in bulk. For organisations aiming to enhance their batch processing capabilities while minimising overhead and costs, AWS Batch offers a robust and automated solution.

Why Choose AWS?

Important Cloud Computing Statistics:

According to estimates from Synergy Research Group, Amazon’s market share in the worldwide cloud infrastructure market stood at 32% in the second quarter of 2023, down from 34% a year ago.

During the second quarter of 2023, worldwide spending on cloud infrastructure services saw an increase of $10 billion from the same period in 2022, culminating in a total expenditure of $64.8 billion by the end of June.

The cloud market has expanded to a staggering $247-billion value, highlighting the intense competition in this sector. As illustrated in the subsequent chart, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google dominated the scene, capturing nearly two-thirds of the cloud infrastructure earnings for the recent quarter.

Statista graph showing Cloud Computing market share breakdown. AWS 34%, Azure 21%, Google Cloud 11%, Alibaba Cloud 5%, IBM Cloud 3%, Salesforce 3%, Tencent Cloud 2%, Oracle 2%.
Source: Statista

AWS Cloud Computing Statistics

  • Holding a 32% market share, AWS is the dominant player in the cloud computing industry.

  • In 2022 AWS generated $80 billion in annual revenue.

  • AWS has more than 1 million active users in 190 countries. According to various consulting firms, enterprise-scale customers make up about 10 percent of AWS users, and the rest are small and medium sized businesses.

  • AWS has wide global infrastructure consisting of 99 Availability Zones spread across 31 regions with plans for expansion into 5 more countries.

  • AWS has 5x more deployed cloud infrastructure than their next 14 competitors combined.

Bar chart in millions US dollars of AWS Annual Revenue from 2013 - 2022. 2013: 3,108. 2014: 4,644. 2015: 7880. 2016: 12,219. 2017: 17,459. 2018: 25,655. 2019: 35,026. 2020: 45,370. 2021: 62,202. 2022: 80,096.
AWS Annual Revenue 2013 - 2022 (Source: Statista)

Data Bridge Market Research predicts the AWS managed services market will reach a staggering $2.19 billion by 2028, and grow at a 15.3% Compound Annual Growth Rate.

Global AWS Managed Services market statistics. Market expected to reach $2.19 billion by 2028.
Source: Data Bridge Market Research

Advantages of using AWS for SMBs


With AWS, there's no binding contract or hidden fees. You're charged on an hourly basis for server based services, allowing you to terminate services anytime without incurring extra costs.

AWS's pricing model offers:

Pay As You Go: Only pay for the services and server time you use. Server costs vary based on configuration, with some starting at just pennies per hour.

Commitment Savings: By reserving a server for a specific duration, you can achieve substantial savings, sometimes up to 70%.


AWS's infrastructure is designed to cater for all sizes. It provides the elasticity to scale your resources seamlessly, whether you're a startup or large business. With AWS you only pay for what you use.


AWS prioritises data security with features like:

  • 24/7 access to cloud security experts.

  • Built-in firewalls ranging from highly restrictive to open configurations.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for granular control over user and resource access.

  • Multi-factor authentication and encrypted data storage.

  • AWS Key Management System (KMS) centralises encryption key creation and management, consolidating control over encryption keys.


With its global presence and expert team, Amazon has established a robust and consistent network, enabling businesses to fortify their data infrastructures.

Amazon's extensive reach and expert team have culminated in a reliable network, enhancing data infrastructure support for businesses.

Drawing on its vast reach and expertise, Amazon offers a robust network that businesses rely on to bolster their data frameworks.


The AWS platform is versatile. Choose your preferred programming language, operating system, and database to craft a solution tailored to your organisation's needs. This adaptability ensures businesses can mould AWS services to fit their unique requirements, making it a preferred choice for many global enterprises.

Third Party Integrations

AWS's vast ecosystem offers a plethora of services and tools, enabling seamless integration of your applications. Let's delve into some key areas:

Analytics with AWS

AWS provides real-time web analytics through its Kinesis Data Analytics solution, offering insights into website performance. This tool lets you monitor visitor demographics, their geographical origins, and on-site behaviours.

Let's have a look at some AWS Analytics services:



AWS Data Pipeline is like a conveyor belt at the airport. You decide where your luggage (data) comes from, ensure it's ready for the journey, and then choose its final stop, whether that's Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon S3. It's designed to make data travel hassle-free.​

Think of Amazon Kinesis as a rapid delivery system for your data. It can send vast amounts of data instantly. And the best part? You get to pick where it goes, whether that's storage spots like Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, or a data processing hub called Amazon EMR cluster.

Think of Amazon EMR as a team captain that uses a popular game plan called Hadoop. It knows how to split tasks among team members (a cluster) using a strategy named MapReduce. This way, everyone works together to process data efficiently.

Amazon ML is a tool that lets app creators tap into the power of machine learning. Using simple building blocks (APIs), they can add this feature to their apps, helping them make smarter predictions about data.


AWS offers a streamlined infrastructure for building scalable blockchain networks and ledger applications. It addresses the preferences of customers, whether they're looking for centralised or decentralised record-keeping.

Boasting high-performance, unchangeable, and cryptographically secure databases, AWS removes the hassle of intricate audit tables and blockchain network setups. Its blockchain service is simple to initialise, deploy, and oversee, sparing users from expensive consultations and setups.



Amazon Managed Blockchain streamlines the creation and management of blockchain networks. With its comprehensive toolkit, developers can efficiently build and maintain scalable blockchain infrastructures, enhancing their applications with secure and transparent data tracking.

Artificial Intelligence with AWS

So is this rise of the Machines?

AWS provides businesses with a robust suite of AI and machine learning services tailored to address complex challenges. These services are especially beneficial for developers who may not have deep expertise in machine learning. The platform offers a range of pre-trained AI solutions spanning areas like computer vision, natural language processing, recommendation systems, and forecasting.

Furthermore, Amazon SageMaker streamlines the machine learning process. It's a comprehensive tool that facilitates swift building, training, and deployment of machine learning models.

Check out this table of AWS Artificial Intelligence services:



​A conversational interface service that allows developers to build voice and text chatbots. It's the technology that powers Amazon Alexa, enabling applications to understand and respond to user requests naturally.

A text-to-speech service that converts written text into lifelike audio speech. It supports multiple languages and can be used to enhance applications with voice output.

An image and video analysis tool that can identify objects, people, text, scenes, and activities. It can also detect inappropriate content, making it useful for content moderation.

A natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to analyse text. It can uncover insights, emotions, and relationships within the text, aiding in content categorisation and sentiment analysis.

An automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that converts spoken language into written text. It's useful for applications like transcription services, subtitling, and voice command recognition.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Billions of devices are active across homes, offices, factories, banks and more. As the number of these devices grows, there's an increasing demand for solutions to seamlessly connect, gather, store, and analyse their data.

AWS IoT equips developers with a holistic yet user-friendly platform, bridging the gap from edge devices to the cloud. This enables the transformation of numerous devices into smarter, self-reliant units that can operate without constant internet connectivity.

With AWS IoT, businesses can scale confidently, backed by top-tier security features. These features not only facilitate proactive security measures but also ensure swift responses to any security concerns.

Have a look at some of the IoT services AWS offers:



Allows devices to easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. It can support billions of devices and trillions of messages.

Helps manage, organise, monitor and remotely manage connected devices at scale.

A service that analyses massive volumes of raw data from IoT devices, processes it, and then stores it in a time-series database for further analysis.

Extends AWS to edge devices, allowing them to act locally on the data they generate while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and storage.

A managed service that makes it easy to detect and respond to changes indicated by IoT sensors and applications.

A managed service that collects data from the plant floor, structures and labels the data, and generates real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.

Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR/VR) with AWS

Augmented Reality (AR) enhances our real world by overlaying digital content, while Virtual Reality (VR) immerses users in a completely virtual environment. Together, they're revolutionising how we experience and interact with digital content.

Amazon Sumerian is AWS's solution for creating and running virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 3D applications without requiring any specialised programming or 3D graphics expertise.

Key features:

  • User Friendly Interface: Amazon Sumerian provides a web-based editor that allows users to design immersive and interactive 3D scenes without any prior experience.

  • Hosts: One of the unique features of Sumerian is its "Hosts" - lifelike 3D characters that can guide users through a scene. These hosts can be integrated with Amazon Polly and Amazon Lex to provide natural language interactions.

  • Integration with AWS Services: Sumerian is deeply integrated with other AWS services. For instance, you can use Amazon Lex for natural language understanding and Amazon Polly for text-to-speech capabilities within your AR/VR applications.

  • Platform Compatibility: Scenes created with Amazon Sumerian are compatible with popular VR and AR hardware, including Oculus Go, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, HTC Vive Pro, Google Daydream, and ARCore enabled mobile devices.

  • WebGL and WebXR: Sumerian scenes run in any browser that supports WebGL or WebXR, making it easy to share and access VR and AR web content.

  • Scripting Capability: For those who want more control and interactivity, Sumerian provides a scripting library to script the behavior of 3D objects and the overall scene.

  • Asset Library: Amazon Sumerian comes with a set of pre-built assets, but users can also import their own 3D assets.

In essence, Amazon Sumerian simplifies the AR, VR, and 3D application development process, making it accessible to developers and non-developers alike. Whether for training simulations, virtual concierge services, or interactive 3D web content, Sumerian provides the tools to create immersive experiences without a steep learning curve.

Getting Started With AWS Compute

Setting Up Your AWS Account

The first step in your AWS Compute journey is to set up an AWS account. CourseWizz has got you covered with a comprehensive step by step tutorial for beginners on how to set up an AWS Free Tier Account.

Challenges and Solutions

The Initial Hurdle: Understanding AWS

AWS stands as a comprehensive hub for all things tech, boasting unmatched capabilities. While its vastness might initially appear overwhelming, gaining even a foundational grasp of its core services can offer significant advantages to individuals and businesses alike.

Amazon consistently places user experience at the forefront, designing its policies and architectural framework to facilitate, not obstruct, user tasks. However, the sheer breadth of AWS can be a bit much for newcomers, especially those who might not have the technical know-how, resources, or time to navigate its services.

Challenges often revolve around server configuration, security measures, and routine maintenance. AWS servers start with a basic setup, necessitating customisation to align with specific applications. Once up and running, the responsibility of managing and securing these servers typically rests with the user or their designated system administrator.

Potential challenges include:

  • Cost Management: AWS's billing system, while detailed, can at first be complex for smaller businesses, especially those without a tech-savvy background. However, with the right knowledge, navigating this system becomes straightforward and stress-free.

  • Resource Limitations: AWS enforces regional resource limits, potentially impacting resource access. For those new to the platform, AWS also implements safeguards to prevent resource over utilisation and defend against malicious activities. Although initial resource insights may be limited, extensions can be sought when needed.

  • Cloud-Related Concerns: Shifting to cloud computing brings its own set of challenges, from ensuring data backups to addressing security vulnerabilities and potential service downtimes. It's worth noting that these issues aren't exclusive to AWS. Aware of these concerns, AWS proactively develops solutions to counteract them, ensuring a seamless business operation.

Most of these challenges aren't AWS-specific. With the right guidance, navigating them can become just another manageable task for businesses. It's crucial for businesses to arm themselves with foundational AWS knowledge before diving in. For those keen on getting stuck in, we highly recommend CourseWizz Training Courses. If you're starting from scratch, consider the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials training course. It offers a thorough introduction to AWS Cloud fundamentals, designed especially for beginners.

Cost Management

As mentioned in the previous section, Cost Management can be a potential hurdle faced by those new to AWS. But, with a clear understanding and the right tools, you can make sure every penny counts.

Understanding AWS Pricing:

AWS operates on a Pay As You Go pricing model, meaning you only pay for the services you use, without any upfront fees or long-term commitments. This model offers flexibility, but it's essential to understand the specifics of each service's pricing to avoid unexpected costs.

Tips to Save Costs:

  • Auto Scaling: AWS offers Auto Scaling for services like EC2, which can automatically increase or decrease the number of active instances based on demand or a set of defined rules. However, the user must set up the scaling policies and define the conditions under which scaling should occur.

  • Trusted Advisor: This is a tool that provides insights into your AWS resources, highlighting areas where you might save money, improve system performance, or close security gaps. One of its checks is to identify under utilised EC2 instances, suggesting where you might downsize.

  • AWS Compute Optimizer: This service recommends optimal AWS resources for your workloads to reduce costs and improve performance. It might suggest different instance types or sizes based on your actual usage.

  • Elastic Load Balancing: While it doesn't resize resources, it does distribute incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, in one or more Availability Zones.

  • Reservation and Savings Plans: AWS offers pricing models like Reserved Instances and Savings Plans, which allow users to commit to a certain usage level in exchange for discounted pricing. While these don't automatically adjust resources, they can be used in conjunction with other tools to optimise costs.

  • Clean Up Unused Resources: Regularly review and terminate unused resources like EC2 instances, unattached EBS volumes, or idle RDS instances.

  • Use Spot Instances: For flexible workloads, Spot Instances allow you to use spare EC2 computing capacity at a fraction of the standard price.

  • Monitor Data Transfer Costs: Be aware of data transfer costs, especially when moving data out of AWS to the internet or other regions.

Introducing AWS Cost Explorer:

One of the most valuable tools for cost management is the AWS Cost Explorer. This tool provides a visual interface that allows you to view and analyse your costs and usage over time.

Diagram illustrating how AWS Cost Explorer allows customers to: Filter and group date, view data at specific intervals and forecast future costs and usage.
Cost Explorer Visualisation (Credits: AWS)

With Cost Explorer, you can:

  • Identify areas that need cost reduction.

  • Forecast future costs based on historical data.

  • Set custom cost allocation tags to organise and track your AWS resources.

  • Access pre-configured reports to gain insights quickly.

It's crucial to manage and monitor your costs actively. By understanding the pricing model, utilising cost saving strategies, and leveraging tools like Cost Explorer, beginners can ensure they're getting the most value out of AWS without breaking the bank.

Security on AWS

AWS has built a reputation for providing a secure cloud computing environment, with a multi-layered approach to safeguarding data and applications. At its core, AWS employs physical, operational, and software measures to ensure the utmost protection.

For users, AWS recommends best practices such as the principle of least privilege, ensuring only necessary access rights are granted. Tools like AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) allow for fine-grained control over user permissions, while services like Amazon GuardDuty offer continuous monitoring for malicious or unauthorised activities.

Additionally, AWS Shield provides DDoS protection, and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) ensures encryption of sensitive data. Combine AWS's inherent security features with vigilant user practices, to build robust defense against potential threats in the cloud.

AWS Key Management Service (KMS)

Diagram illustrating AWS KMS use cases. Diagram shows how keys generated in KMS are always monitored/logged when used by AWS Services. Also shows how the keys can be used to gain access to AWS Services.
KMS Example Use Cases (Credits: AWS)

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed encryption service that allows you to create and control cryptographic keys used to encrypt and decrypt data across AWS services and applications.

Key features:

  • Centralised Key Management: KMS provides a centralised control point to manage cryptographic keys, making it easier to set up and control the encryption of data across your AWS environment.

  • Integrated with AWS Services: KMS is integrated with a wide range of AWS services, such as Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, and AWS Lambda, allowing these services to encrypt data using keys managed in KMS.

  • Audit and Compliance: With AWS CloudTrail, you can audit key usage to ensure compliance with your internal policies and regulatory standards. Every use of your keys is logged, providing a complete audit trail.

  • Automatic Key Rotation: KMS offers the option to automatically rotate keys, enhancing security by regularly generating new keys.

  • Enforced Access Controls: Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in conjunction with KMS, you can specify who can use which key, for what, and when. This ensures that only authorised personnel can use the keys.

  • Customer Managed Keys (CMKs): While AWS manages the underlying infrastructure, you have control over the cryptographic keys. You can either let KMS create the keys for you or import your own.

  • Multi-Region Availability: KMS allows you to replicate keys across multiple AWS regions, ensuring data can be encrypted and decrypted in any region you operate.

In essence, AWS KMS provides a blend of management features and tight integration with other AWS services, ensuring that data encryption and key management remain seamless, secure, and compliant with best practices.


Well, that was long!

To summarise, Amazon's AWS cloud computing service not only prioritises security but also aims to significantly reduce your business's data infrastructure expenses. By choosing AWS cloud services, your organisation stands to gain immensely, enabling you to scale your operations on the greatest cloud infrastructure platform.

Hopefully you have learned a lot from this CourseWizz blog post! If there's anything you think we overlooked, please let us know in the comments section below!

CourseWizz wishes you success in your AWS journey. Until next time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) How can i learn AWS?

Start with the basics! Begin by creating a Free AWS account. Dive in, read the AWS documentation, and join user groups. If you wish to learn from the experts, enrol on the Cloud Practitioner Essentials training course. It's a continuous journey, but with dedication, you can acquire the skills and knowledge to make the most of AWS.

Q2. Is AWS suitable for those just starting out?

Absolutely! AWS is beginner-friendly, offering bundles of services and resources tailored for newcomers. They provide extensive documentation and complimentary introductory courses to ensure a smooth onboarding process.

Q3. Can AWS be used for hosting purposes?

Definitely. AWS is equipped to host a wide array of applications and websites. With diverse hosting solutions like virtual servers, container services, and serverless computing, AWS caters to the needs of everyone.

Q4. How do I host a website on AWS?

To host a website on AWS, first sign up for an AWS account. Choose a hosting solution that aligns with your website's requirements and configure it accordingly. AWS offers multiple web storage solutions such as Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and Amazon Lightsail. For domain registration and DNS management, consider AWS services like Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53.

Q5. Is AWS cost-effective for small businesses?

Yes, AWS is designed to be cost-effective for businesses of all sizes. With its pay-as-you-go pricing model, small businesses only pay for the services they use, allowing them to scale resources based on demand without incurring unnecessary costs.

Q6. Can I get support while using AWS?

Certainly! AWS offers a range of support plans tailored to meet different needs. From basic developer support to enterprise-level 24/7 access to Cloud Support Engineers, AWS ensures you have the necessary resources and expertise at your disposal.

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